Tonight, ET Canada goes behind-the-scenes with television star Lauren Holly as she teams up with retailer Le Chateau for a special clothing collaboration. Our very own Natasha Gargiulo was on-set for the line’s photoshoot where she peaked inside Lauren’s Closet and scooped some details about the upcoming Dumb and Dumber sequel.
Ranging from tops to evening gowns, the Lauren’s Closet collection reflects Holly’s sultry style. “If you put on something that you love, and you feel good in, I think it actually makes you feel that way,” she says of her fashion philosophy. In anticipation of the launch, Holly shared several previews of the shoot with her Instagram followers this week. “It was my pleasure! Thank you! Great day prepping the launch of Lauren’s Closet for @lechateau #fall2014 #lechateaustyle #SOexcited,” she captioned on photo.
Two decades after the comedy first hit theatres, Dumb and Dumber returns to the big screen with Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels reprising their roles as Lloyd and Larry. But will Mary Swanson be joining them this time around? Fans of the cult hit will be happy to hear that the actress didn’t shoot down the possibility of a cameo when the film hits theatres this November. “There may be something,” she shares “I can’t really say. I’m not really supposed to, but I think it’s going to be very funny.”
Tune-in to tonight’s ET Canada for more sneak peeks of Holly’s collaboration with Le Chateau.